Thursday, 31 May 2012

She went S-shaped!!

I got this from the manga 'Immortal Rain' by Ozaki Kaori.  The guy in the white lab coat sneaked up to the one in black garb and ran his finger down his back, making him go AAAAAhh! See how his back is curved into an S shape? I think it's so funny and a bulb kindda went off in my head. *evil laugh*

And so..I decided to experiment on my sis to see if she'd go S-shaped too.  Today, when her back was turned towards me, I acted immediately.  Unfortunately, in my eagerness, I pressed too hard.  She did go AAAAhhh! and went S-shaped but she turned and said "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?? THAT HURTS!" >__< and she was looking at me all confused.  I got shocked too since I thought she wont have felt the finger too much over her thick jacket.  But seeing her confused face and remembering how her reaction was EXACTLY like the guy in black garb, I had to laugh.  God I am so evil. 

Now you know why I did what I did, bi....  LOL!

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Is it because I am so cute?

Was chatting with da jie and she told me about the conversation she had with my nephew.  He's been strangely intrigued by the questions of life and death lately.  Would clutch my sister's hand at night, crying and begging her not to grow old and die.  Poor boy.  I wonder what's caused his anxiety.  Probably something that he came across while talking to his friends at the nursery.  Anyway, this is one of the funnier conversation that came out of the blue.

Joel: Mummy, why will old people die? Is it because they're so old already?
Da jie: Yes
Joel: Why?
Da jie: It's just like your old toys, the wheels will break, the doors are gone, everything's not working anymore.  It's the same with old people.  When they grow old, their body won't function as well.  Their hearts, their kidneys and many other organs in their body will not be doing their work properly.  That's why old people will die.
Joel: Just like old building will collapse issit?
Da jie: Yes
Joel: So old people will go to the graveyard and die issit?
Da jie: ??? No.  How will they know when they're going to die?  They wouldn't know.  You won't expect them to wait at the graveyard right? Who's going to bury them if they die there?
Joel: Because they're old old already. And they're almost dead already.  So they go to graveyard to die.
Da jie: Can they dig their own hole or cover themselves with soil when they die?
Joel: No.
Da jie: That's why they need their friends, or family or someone else to help bury them when they die.
Da jie: (quickly changes topic before he asks anymore baffling questions) Joel, are you cold? If you're cold or hot at school later, you have to make sure you tell your teacher ok.
Joel: Why? Is it because I'm very cute?

LOL!! Was informed by da jie that my nephew always thinks that everything has to do with him being cute.  Probably as a result of being proclaimed so by his adoring mother, grandmother and aunts. =p

Da jie: Don't simply run here and there.  If I don't see you later, bad guys will catch you.
Joel: Why do bad guys want to catch me?  Is it because I'm so cute?
Da jie: No. It's because they think you're a bad boy who never listens to mummy and daddy.  That's why they want to catch you.
Joel: Why do they want to catch me? Is it because I'm very cute?
Da jie: !!! No.
Joel: Is it because they want to eat me?
Da jie: !!!!

Haha..he IS cute!  Da jie told me he did really well in his exam (they have exams in nursery!!! Poor babies!) He's been a really good boy and never complained when asked to do his revision.  Congrats baby <3 Yi yi's so proud of you.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Wedding dresses

I simply adore wedding dresses.  They're so fascinating.  Every time I walk into a shop with magazine stands, I would be tempted to flip open the bridal magazines just to see what people are wearing.  Minimalist design does nothing to my heart beat though.  It seems that the majority of couples now are opting for simple dresses a.k.a sleeveless/strapless, with little details and a sweep/court trains. (barely reaching the ground)  I guess in today's world, practicality overrides aesthetic.

I have always thought that wedding dresses of the past with it's many laces, long trains and intricate details are beyond charming.  I would have to say that Grace Kelly's tops them all.

Isn't it simply gorgeous??  I love the arm fitting lace sleeves, the empire waist, the tiny row of buttons (so chaste and delicate!) and the beaded juliette head dress.  The only thing I would change is the skirt I guess.  I personally think it's a little too stiff.  The sketch of the dress is superb~ <3 

There's been many Grace Kelly inspired wedding dresses, most notably worn by Kate Middleton recently.  My sister likes it though I think it's too simple for my taste.  The best in my opinion is Nicole Richie's.  Frankly, I think I prefer hers to the original.  When I first saw the photos I was like 'GASP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' & swoon.  Lol.

No flaws...nothing I would change about the dress!  Love the fluffy ball gown! I also love how she could detach the skirt and it instantly becomes a slim fitting dress.  Ingenious!

While I was browsing for the photos, I came across a couple of really cool alternative to veils.  These would look really good with minimalist wedding dresses.

I want to ditch architecture and study wedding  dress designs!

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

May Day

I love May.  The weather's great!  Getting colder and colder and raining on and off.  The sun's out but the sky is dark.  So romantic.  Having a banana while I am typing away.  Do you know that bruised bananas are actually good for you?  It turns out that the brown is a sign that the antioxidant levels have risen.  It’s a little icky but don’t spit the bruised parts away.  It’ll help you blast away diseases.

I’d been feeling lethargic and strangely depressed after my exam.  Felt lost and tearful, flitting here and there not knowing exactly what to do and not really wanting to do anything.  Turns out, it’s my pre-menstrual syndrome acting up.  Hallelujah! Scared me for a bit since I thought I might be experiencing a post exam depression.  Lol.  FYI, I passed!  m< ^o^ >m.  Mum had a premonition that we’ll receive a mail on that particular day and as soon as I reached home from work, she went to check and found the letter.  Am now licensed to open up my own practice, and get sued if anything goes wrong .….Frankly, I don’t see the point but it’s great to get it out of the way.  No more ‘important scary thing’ to do hanging over my head…except driving.

I've been purging on books lately.  And yes, purge as in reading a lot and vomiting them out again.  Ask me what I’ve read and I can only vaguely recall the plots and storylines.  None that made me want to stay up reading all night.  You might ask, What’s the point in reading then??  And I’ll say, Just because.  I bought 2 books by Linda Taylor online a few days back.  Couldn’t find any of her books on our library’s register, assumedly 1. since she’s a UK author or 2. because she’s not in demand and 3. because our library’s resources are too limited.  I have nothing else to read now except Reader’s Digest so am waiting very impatiently for their arrival.  In any case, our house is not that far from the suburb’s library.  Hopefully I’ll have time to drop in this weekend, bite the bullet and pay my fine of $30+.  I was lax in returning the books borrowed last year and unfortunately one of the books was a reserved copy, hence the fine.  =(  I adore the library here.  There’s bean bags, comfy sofas and full height windows all around.  Heaven~~

P/s : Dad’s coming to visit next weekend for 2 weeks and we have our trip to New Zealand in August to look forward to.  A lot of planning to do and I haven’t even started yet.  My boss came in to chat and told me about all the must visit places on the North of the Island.  Sounds awesome and I can’t wait!

Monday, 7 May 2012

Stressed Out!

I am super super stressed!!  I am so stressed I am probably in trauma *back-of-hand-over-the-forehead-fainting-gesture*   Was still frolicking in the sun and having fun a few days back.  Serves me right.  Want to curl up into a ball and just hibernate.  T^T 3 more days to go and I've just received my timetable for the oral exam yesterday.  The letter advised that "due to the large number of examinees this year bla..bla.." Dammit.  If there's a quota for the number of passes then I'm in big trouble.  Have been biting my nails in nervousness and stress ever since.  On one hand, I so want the whole thing to be over and done with, but on the other hand, I want time to slow down in case I haven't prepared myself well enough.  Problem is, I am not sure if I am even on the right track.  *sigh*  So strung up I just want to stand up and pace the room.  OMG! OMG! x___x

p/s: Been popping Vit.B Complex for a few days now with the hope that it'll calm my nerves but it's obviously not working.  Stupid supplements.  I should probably try high intensity yoga routine and hope that the pain will help annihilate my anxiety to nothingness.  -___- Hummmmmm.......(oh wait..that's for meditation  =p)