Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Cute messages

I received a message late last night from da jie, asking me if I am already in bed.  She told me that my nephew wanted to write to me via msn messenger.  Unfortunately, I’ve just switched off the light and hopped into bed, so decided to viber them instead.  While the phone was being passed to mum, I can hear my nephew speaking and singing in the background.  Mum informed me that he is typing a very long offline message to me.  He would occasionally interrupt my mum asking “How do you spell airplane? Or Grandma how to spell next?” and then he’d go on and sing the alphabet very loudly.  When I asked to speak to him, he said to me “Yi yi! I am now writing abc..can you see??” XD  Before I ended the call, da jie warned that I will be bombarded with offline messages when I next log in.

Lo and behold, as soon as my messenger is up and running in the office this morning, I received a string of cute messages from the little guy.

…@hotmail.com said (Yesterday at 11:02 PM):
*joel lim is coming  <---XD
…@hotmail.com said (Yesterday at 11:03 PM):
…@hotmail.com said (Yesterday at 11:04 PM):
…@hotmail.com said (Yesterday at 11:05 PM):
…@hotmail.com said (Yesterday at 11:06 PM):
*aeroplane <---Because I’ve always asked him to fly to me whenever I talk to him on the phone or via webcam
…@hotmail.com said (Yesterday at 11:09 PM):
…@hotmail.com said (Yesterday at 11:11 PM):
*nowissoundforabc  <-- Now I sound for abc???? LOL!
…@hotmail.com said (Yesterday at 11:12 PM):
*nexttime  <--- Next time
…@hotmail.com said (Yesterday at 11:13 PM):
*one  <--- Supposed to be ‘wont’.  Our bad.  We thought he wanted to spell the number.
…@hotmail.com said (Yesterday at 11:14 PM):
*yousing  <--- you sing
…@hotmail.com said (Yesterday at 11:15 PM):
*aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbcccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc  <--- hahaha, cant stop laughing at this..it’s like he’s really singing here

He stopped at m and went on to write a series of random letters and numbers.  Gosh, he’s so adorable. 

This has definitely made my day.

Friday, 6 July 2012

We've Moved!

Yes, we’ve moved!  Am still at the stage where we fall into bed every night with the sound of our backs cracking from sheer exhaustion.  Up to date, we’ve unpacked only about 70% of our stuffs (despite working zealously every night after work) , bought and installed practically the whole of the upstairs furniture, carried things up and down the 2-storey home about a hundred times, and moved enough heavy furniture to make us stunted for the rest of our lives.  (yeah yeah..I know we’re way beyond help BUT STILL..one could always hope)  The muscles to our legs are still aching and I think I’ve sprained one of my foot.  Need.massage.desperately!  I’d like to think that all this is helping to keep my weight in check but the weighing scale in the bathroom showed how wrong I was last night.  I’ve even put on weight…a lot!..a lot of weight.  Dammit.  No wonder my face looks so fat lately.

Things hadn’t been going all that smoothly during our move.  Friday was the settlement date and had been a total nightmare.  We set out to work in the morning happily thinking that everything’s going so well.  Fast forward halfway to work and all hell broke loose.  Our bank agent called with an earth shattering news.  (Not going to go into detail here, suffice to say that it’s enough to give everyone a brain freeze) The rest of the morning was spent flying around the city between the banks and the conveyancer’s office.  I’ve hung up on our agent so many times that my brother has made a joke out of it  “Ahhh…can I call you back!” du du du du du….

I’ve also managed to piss my boss off by taking an emergency leave and have been feeling the pain throughout the week.  Sigh.  So many reprisals.  Started the day really early the next day doing last minute packing, aka chucking everything into black garbage bags.  Our motto is if you have to unpack, there’s no point using duct tapes.  My brother found a Chinese guy who can move some of our heavier furniture for $220 (he initially quoted $200 but complained halfway that we have more things to move than originally informed =p) which is a bargain considering the fact that to rent a 3 tonne truck alone would cost us $197.  Henry came to help with some of the moving even though we said not to and Julia made us a delicious lunch.  We really appreciate it guys.  <3

First night sleeping in the new house felt like staying in a hotel.  Everything’s different and new and smelling of fresh paint.  Reminded me of the home sickness I experienced when I first arrived in Australia as well.  Such a bittersweet feeling =) Sunday was spent furniture hunting.  We bought a wardrobe, bed and narrow table for my bedroom.  I have a vision of all white bed sets.  My sister bought a table and king sized mattress for her bedroom and Maggie had a bed and table for hers.  We got the Chinese removalist to come and transport the furniture for us again and when he arrived and saw all the furnitures, he said and I quote “ Whoa Cow! You already had so many things and you are buying more!”  Anyway, as we were rushing for time, my brother and I went back to the house in Mawson Lakes to try an attempt a preliminary clean up before the prospective tenants arrived.  Unfortunately, they arrived before us.  The first thing they commented when they entered the house was..”Where’s the furniture?” =__= News flash guys, if it’s furnished the rental would be a lot higher.  I bet that’s the last we’ll see of them.  After much consideration and comments of “Peggy, I don’t think you’re tough enough to be a landlord”, and unless I can find a strapping boyfriend who can kick butts before I sign the contract, I’ll be getting an agent to deal with the headache.  T^T  Bye bye dollar sign.  Meeting him this Saturday to start the process.

Night time was spent trying to put our furniture together.  My sister found out that the mattress doesn’t fit her bed even though one’s a king sized bed and the other’s a king sized mattress.  We should’ve gotten a measurement but thought that it’s all universal.  I also found out that wrong items had been selected for the wardrobe and we are missing a few vital elements.  Everyone said S*** the whole night and we went to bed exhausted but with the feeling that nothing much has been accomplished and more headache to resolve.

We’ve managed to return the mattress and wardrobe (the mirrored doors are super heavy!!!!) finally tonight and since we again, had to call out the Chinese guy to help with the transport (we’ll definitely become his most loyal customer of the year) we took the opportunity to buy a washing machine as well.  I’ll be getting a robe specialist to come in for a quote on Saturday.  If their website advertisement can be trusted, we’ll be able to have a full height wardrobe installed for almost the same price.  *sigh* Should’ve thought of this before and save us the pain.  All thanks to mum’s recommendation. 

So there you have it, our week of total torture, rash decisions and utter chaos.  We’ve put up our beds and things are slowly falling into place though.  Loving my room and the house to bits.  We have an invisible drummer neighbor who plays almost every night and made the place sounds so festive.  The bass is loud enough to be heard but not too loud as to be irritating.  I would sit in my sister’s walk-in robe to listen.  Took the bus for the first time yesterday and everything’s so exciting.  New faces and new routes.  It’s like moving to Australia all over again. =)