Friday, 20 November 2009
How Do You Do Etiquette
I have a client who always seems to be in a hurry. An example of our phone conversation would be as follows;-
Me: Hi..Peggy speaking
Client: Hi Peggy. xxx here. How are you?
Me: Fine thanks. Yourself?
Client: Peggy, can you help me with.......
See that? See how he didnt answer my question and left me hanging?? He did that EVERY SINGLE TIME!! and still I am obligated to ask as it is common courtesy. *sigh* I sometimes think why bother.
Sunday, 1 November 2009
Canberra Trip
The trip started badly enough. I took a half day off on Thursday so that I can slot in a doctor's appointment before leaving for the airport. Unfortunately, I missed my bus and had to wait for the next one. The downfall of taking public transport is that a domino effect starts to take place once this happens. Missing my bus in turn made me miss my train which in turn made me late for my appointment. When we reached the clinic, we were informed that my doctor had left for the day. I had to reschedule my appointment to a Monday night and pay for overtime. *sigh*
Reaching home I had a quick lunch and shower before making sure that everything we need is packed and ready to go. And then came the waiting...and waiting...and waiting. My brother had asked one of his friend who lives near the airport to fetch us. We stupidly did not anticipate that there would be a horrible jam at that particular hour. When he failed to turn up more than half an hour after the designated time, we panicked and my brother contemplated calling up another friend to drive us there. At the last minute, he drove up our driveway and we frantically began shoving bags into his car boot. It was a torturous drive to the airport. The traffic was pretty bad and we had to drop by my sister's office to pick her up which made us even more late. Everyone was pretty tense, my brother's poor friend tried his hardest to tackle the traffic and mum prayed real hard for us not to miss our plane. The counter was supposed to close 45 minutes before the flight and by the time we reach the airport, it's already well pass our check-in time. My sis and myself dashed off to the counter as soon as the car stops while my bro and mum trailed behind with our luggages. Fortunately, we managed to check-in just before the counter closes.
Reaching Canberra, we got into our rented car (we received a free upgrade to a bigger car which is a good turn of event) and started the drive to our motel. We took a wrong turn as soon as we got out of the airport and ended up getting lost. Everyone's temper was pretty frayed by this time and blames started flying. We only reached our motel after an hour plus of driving as well as furious thumbing of the local directory. The receptionist had left but fortunately we were able to check-in ourselves. The room was really small but serves our purpose well as it's cheap enough and has an attached bathroom.
After dumping our bags in the room, we left again in search of dinner eventho it's already well pass 10pm. Driving around, we settled on good ol' McD. After dinner, we drove around the city and stopped by the casino to take a few photos. As everyone is already tired out from all the rushing, we agreed to call it a day.
The next morning, we left early for our appointment at the High Commision of Malaysia and were able to reach there without getting lost. There's a hitch when my brother was told that they require a copy of his student visa which he'd left in Adelaide. After sheding much cold sweats and thinking that his journey was going to be a total waste, my dad phoned to say that he has an electronic copy of my brother's visa. Everything went well after that. We bought 4 packets of Nasi Lemak from a jolly man who works in the High Comm. and was told to be back to collect our passports by 3pm.
We stopped by a park in Yarralumla to have our lunch and took a few photos. The next stop was the Cockington Greens Garden. Entry fee was pretty expensive at about aud16++ per person but we enjoyed ourselves as everything looks gorgeous! We then drove back to the city to check out Canberra Centre. A security guard saw me taking photos while we were on an escalator and reprimanded me. He told me rather firmly that photo taking is illegal in the building. I apologized but was mightily pissed off. Well excuse me for being ignorant as to the reason why. I mean if that were to happen in a Casino or a museum, I'd understand but a shopping mall???
Our planned destination after that was the War Memorial but reaching there, we couldnt bring ourselves to leave the car as the day had turned really hot and mr.sun is in full glory. We changed our mind and decided to stop by the High Comm. earlier to get our passports. After that, we went on towards the Parliament House. It's a spectacular building. The landscape which is pretty minimal is impressive nonetheless and suits the building to a T. And the view from the rooftop towards the War Memorial is so well planned out it gave me goosebumps.
We drove back to the War Memorial soon after as my brother has set his heart on a photo of the Centurion Tank. We did not get to go inside as the Memorial is already closed which is a pity. After driving all the way to Woden for dinner, we decided to go back to the motel as we have an early flight to catch the next morning and everyone's bushed by that time.
I enjoyed the trip. Really. Eventhough there's a lot of hitches along the way and I felt that we were not being a real tourist by choosing to miss out on museums, I'm just glad to have the chance to visit the capital of Australia.
p/s: Photos to be posted when the author is less lazy. In the meantime, please check facebook for uploaded photos of the trip. =p
Saturday, 10 October 2009
Gift confusion
Well, two days ago a postman came to our house to deliver another package for me. Mum was in the kitchen so didnt hear the knock and mr.postman slipped a notice requesting that we retrive the package from a post office nearby. My brother went to get it yesterday while I was at work but left it in the car and forgot about it. While I was at gym this morning though, mum suddenly remembered and asked my sis to get it from the car. She went to the car and saw the jacket immediately. She tried it on to show mum while I was still at the gym. Apparently, my brother was a little confused by the whole thing but didnt have the chance to say anything as everyone was rushing around getting ready to go out.
When I got into the car at the train station, my sis told me that the package is a jacket and that it's from the same friend who sent me the accessories. I asked her to describe the jacket to me. She told me that it's a little bulky and black. She didnt seem enthusiastic so I guessed that it wont be to my taste. Surprised as well since she sent such a bulky item. Must've cost a bomb. My brother then informed me that there's another package for me in the front console. It's a box with mooncakes inside. From the same friend. By this point I was thinking, wow, what's the occassion?
Anyway, we went on to the shopping mall and spent lots of money as always. When we got home, my sis got the jacket out and tried it on for me to see. It's black and bulky...that's all I can say. I even not my taste. It looks too manly and I asked my brother if he wants to try it on. While my sis was strutting around and twirling in the jacket, my bro who was watching from the sink suddenly remarked "Eh! Where the hell did you find that jacket?" My sis replied "From the car-lah" at which point my brother collapsed laughing. He told us that it's the jacket that his friend left in our car the night before. He belatedly told us that the only package he got from the post office is the box of mooncakes. He initially thought that the postman delivered the jacket personally this morning (Stupid..who works on a saturday??) hence the confusion.
*sigh* My stupid, blur but beloved family.
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Festival of Aidilfitri at Adelaide Uni
The er..event was already in full swing by the time we arrive. There's 2 separate tents set up for food. One's where everyone lines up, holds out their plastic plates and the persons in charge dishes out different kinds of Malay food. We said 'Terima Kasih' and everyone smiled benignly. It's pretty embarrassing for me to tell the truth. I felt like a refugee lining up for food. There's bite-till-your-teeth-fall-off lemang (rice cooked in bamboo), chicken curries (there's 2 types I think but I cant differentiate. I am a failure) which are nice but a little too spicy, nasi biryani (nice!), acar(a type of vegetable pickles cum salad), drinks and cookies. The cornflakes cookie is my fav. I am sure they have a more glamourous name but I dont bake and I dont know so I'll stick to that name.
The second tent houses the laksa and rojak. The laksa was a little worrying as I've never had a green coloured laksa with tuna. I initially thought that it's because they couldn't afford to put in prawns and so substituted that with tuna. har har...em..all I can say is it's my first and probably last. My mum and bro liked it though. My friend soon informed me Terengganu laksa uses fish so the laugh's on me. =p Rojak is nice but by that time I am really full.
It's a lovely event. Wish there's something like this for Chinese New Year as well in Adelaide. Probably when hell freezes over?
Sunday, 6 September 2009
Royal Adelaide Show
We planned to stay on until the fireworks display at 9pm and anticipated that the temperature would drop drastically at night. Unfortunately, my brother who was wearing a very thin t-shirt, either forgot to bring his jacket or have the misguided notion that he is a super-being with the ability to withstand cold. We spent the day keeping our eyes peeled for jackets on sale as well as taking in the scenes. Funnily, the very first thing we bought on site is a hair removal product and exfoliator. (Smooooth legs - with extra emphasise on the
While browsing around, we happened upon a flower costume show. (Jenny Gillies Wearable Blooms) It's...interesting...but not enough to hold our attention for long. Some of the costumes are ravishing and I would have loved to own them but as mum said..walk down the street in them and you'd have swept everyone else out of your path.
There's arts and craft display ranging from open cake decorations, embroideries, soft toys, pastries, etc. All the cakes, cookies and muffins look yummylicious. Even the ginger bread houses. I wonder what would happen to them once the show comes to a conclusion. Brings to mind the phrase 'All beautiful things come to an end'
After that, we headed on towards the carnival and rides area. We were only there for a 'look see' as none of us feels up to the 'thrill' of rides. And we were cautious not to waste money on skills we have no confidence in testing. What I regretted most is that we went home without any soft toys or goodie bags to show for our time there!
Dog Pavilion was next on the list. All cute and well groom but searching high and low, we couldnt find the gigantic dogs that we saw on our previous visit. Very disappointing. I was rather hoping to ride on their backs this time around. *sigh* We didnt get to see any of the competitions (pig racing which would have been cute, woodcutting, sheep judging and I dare say many many more).
Luckily for my brother, we found him a jacket just as night was approaching and there's a cold bite to the air. After buying our dinners (lamb yiros and chips - the food is quite frankly really yucky), we headed on towards the main arena to search for seats. We were just in time to watch the pony trot which was hilarious. One of the ponies has really stubby legs and kept on getting left behind. Next on were the Farm Skills Challenge which is not as interesting. The Toyota Hilux Heroes is ok but some scenes were repetative, the Double Dan I cant remember anything about (yeah..looking at the programs listing now), the Trackskill Holden V8 Ute vs Nissan Silvia Drift Car is boring as well and we think that the 'volunteer' driving the Holden is actually a pro. The show we enjoyed most is the Freestyle MotorX Team. The bikers were absolutely awesome. The stunts were outrageous and had the crowds going wild. And then last but not least, the event that we have all been waiting for...the fireworks display. It's not living up to standard but we enjoyed it nevertheless.
All in all, a well spent day eventhough I still feel a little deprived as there's no 'memoriabilia' to show for our outing. Even a tiny ugly pink panther or tweety bird won from the carnival would have been acceptable! Argh!
Monday, 3 August 2009
Vain Ol' Vain Ol'
I have to take my bath but am procrastinating as today is my hair washing day. Being a girl is a pain at times like this. To give you an idea I would list down my ritual ; put on cleansing milk and massage all over made-up face - sponge off - wash face with cleanser - shower - shampoo hair - wash - put on conditioner - rinse off - rub on body shampoo - shower - rub hair dry and tie a turban - put on body lotion (sometimes) - put hair gel on hair - blow dry - use toner on face - put on moisturiser. Hiuh..long list huh. All that takes at least half an hour. By the time I am done I am almost ready for bed. Better get cracking then. >_~..
Saturday, 1 August 2009
Lovely Prayer..
I thank You for this day,
I thank You for my being able to see and to hear this morning.
I'm blessed because You are a forgiving God and an understanding God.
You have done so much for me and You keep on blessing me.
Forgive me this day for everything I have done, said or thought that was not pleasing to you.
I ask now for Your forgiveness.
Please keep me safe from all danger and harm.
Help me to start this day with a new attitude and plenty of gratitude.
Let me make the best of each and every day to clear my mind so that I can hear from You.
Please broaden my mind that I can accept all things.
Let me not whine and whimper over things I have no control over.
And give me the best response when I'm pushed beyond my limits.
I know that when I can't pray, You listen to my heart.
Continue to use me to do Your will.
Continue to bless me that I may be a blessing to others.
Keep me strong that I may help the weak... Keep me uplifted that I may have words of encouragement for others.
I pray for those that are lost and can't find their way.
I pray for those that are misjudged and misunderstood.
I pray for those who don't know You intimately.
But I thank You that I believe that God changes people and God changes things.
I pray for all my sisters and brothers.
For each and every family member in their households.
I pray for peace, love and joy in their homes; that they are out of debt and all their needs are met I pray that every eye that reads this knows there is no problem, circumstance, or situation greater than God.
Every battle is in Your hands for You to fight.
I pray that these words be received into the hearts of every eye that sees it in Jesus' name. Amen!
Saturday, 18 July 2009
The Apple of Our Eyes

Mum, my sis, nephew and myself went to a hotel for lunch during our trip back to Malaysia last year. While we were waiting for our orders, my nephew who had been quietly playing with his cars suddenly lost his temper, threw the cars and started to howl in earnest. My sister tried to quiet him down but was rewarded with a vigorous hair pulling. I tried to make him break his hold but believe you me, the little fella is an incredible hulk in disguise. Remember that this happened in a hotel restaurant. The horror! My mum and sis rushed the incredible hulk out of the restaurant and left me to fend for myself. With my face burning with embarrassment, I requested for take aways and waited patiently while people around continued to gawp at me. As soon as we got in the car, the tears stopped. We think he just wants us to bring him for rides. The little devil.
But for all his tantrums and moods, there are much more incidents where he made my heart melt. I remember putting on sunglasses and talking to him once. He loves it and stared at me as if transfixed and won't let me take it down. I smiled and said hi softly to him a couple of times and he suddenly smiled back and repeated the greeting in a very soft and gentle voice! My heart!! My heart has been stolen!! He loves watching 'Finding Nemo' and can memorize all the scenes. Whenever the whale or jellyfish is due to appear, he would pull my arms around him and whimper. The first time he did that, I was bewildered but my sister explained that he couldnt stand it when Dory got stung by the jellyfishes or when they got swallowed by the whale. So cute! I love it when my sister sang the teddy bear song and when she got to the part where she said..he's my favourite one! he would always always laugh. There's another time when I got in the car after having my hair permed and baby Joel kept turning to look at me sitting at the back and smiling as if to say..' look different!' I love to see him running around in his diapers and would hate the day when he is potty trained. I think that would mark the end of babyhood. I love it when I carry him and he lays his head on my chest so trustingly. The list is endless eventhough I normally see him only once a year and a few weeks at a time. Being the first grandchild from both sides, he will always be precious to us. It is hard to imagine that less than 3 years ago, this little gem was still absent from our lives.
I envy my sister. She is a very dedicated mother and has to sacrifice a lot for her child. Not having had a good sleep ever since she becomes a mother. Rushing home from work every lunch break just so she can spend a few minutes with my nephew. Giving him the best of everything. She says it's all worth it. Mum says it's worth it as well eventhough we were an ungrateful bunch (she says) Well, I hope I would one day feel ready to bear such responsibility. But first I have to find a man to settle down with and I have a feeling that would be a long time coming. O-H-W-E-L-L what will be will be I guess.
Friday, 10 July 2009
Rainy Days

Monday, 29 June 2009
Arigatou by Kokia
English Lyrics
Everyone loses something
Before they even realise it
I suddenly realise that you’ve gone
Leaving behind only memories
Amid the happiness, we lost our words
Like dolls
Like all those lost cats on the street corner
I hear a silent scream
If I could see you one more time
I just want to say one word: thank you, thank you
Even if I get hurt sometimes
I want to keep feeling you
At least I have my memories to comfort me
I’ll always have you here
If I could see you one more time
I just want to say one word: thank you, thank you
If I could see you one more time
I just want to say one word
If I could see you one more time
I just want to say one word: thank you, thank you
Even if I get hurt sometimes, I want to keep feeling you...
Blogger's note: Really love this song. Been listening to it non-stop these few days. Some songs have the ability to calm you down and make you feel glad to be alive. This song definitely does that to me. The lyrics is bittersweet but beautiful in it's simplicity nontheless.
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Can't Get It Out of My Head
I am ruined! I see most of them daily as I take the same bus to work and back! The thought of seeing them again tomorrow fills me with dread..I could curl up and die! They'll probably recount it at their dinner table and I will be forever known as the girl who flashes her underwear.
However, after much tears and a lot of anguish, I went and googled up 'skirt fell down' and to my utter relief, saw that I am not the only who'd gone through that humiliating experience. (I think mine still top it all though) Reading about all that makes me feel a little less suicidal and the experience a little bit funnier. So I am putting it all down to...1) exorcise the bad experience 2) let others know that they r not alone 3) explain that I didnt do it on purpose 4) apologize for flashing my ugly butt 5) be able to read again and find humour.