I received a package from a friend back in Malaysia a few days ago. There's a cute little bag with earrings and a bracelet inside. I loOove accessories and I guess everyone is aware of that as I always seem to get them for birthdays, farewells and as gifts. \(^^)/
Well, two days ago a postman came to our house to deliver another package for me. Mum was in the kitchen so didnt hear the knock and mr.postman slipped a notice requesting that we retrive the package from a post office nearby. My brother went to get it yesterday while I was at work but left it in the car and forgot about it. While I was at gym this morning though, mum suddenly remembered and asked my sis to get it from the car. She went to the car and saw the jacket immediately. She tried it on to show mum while I was still at the gym. Apparently, my brother was a little confused by the whole thing but didnt have the chance to say anything as everyone was rushing around getting ready to go out.
When I got into the car at the train station, my sis told me that the package is a jacket and that it's from the same friend who sent me the accessories. I asked her to describe the jacket to me. She told me that it's a little bulky and black. She didnt seem enthusiastic so I guessed that it wont be to my taste. Surprised as well since she sent such a bulky item. Must've cost a bomb. My brother then informed me that there's another package for me in the front console. It's a box with mooncakes inside. From the same friend. By this point I was thinking, wow, what's the occassion?
Anyway, we went on to the shopping mall and spent lots of money as always. When we got home, my sis got the jacket out and tried it on for me to see. It's black and bulky...that's all I can say. I even remarked..hey..so not my taste. It looks too manly and I asked my brother if he wants to try it on. While my sis was strutting around and twirling in the jacket, my bro who was watching from the sink suddenly remarked "Eh! Where the hell did you find that jacket?" My sis replied "From the car-lah" at which point my brother collapsed laughing. He told us that it's the jacket that his friend left in our car the night before. He belatedly told us that the only package he got from the post office is the box of mooncakes. He initially thought that the postman delivered the jacket personally this morning (Stupid..who works on a saturday??) hence the confusion.
*sigh* My stupid, blur but beloved family.
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