Friday, 7 May 2010

First Post in 2010 (haha...lame title but I cant think of anything else)

Oh's been ages since I last visited my own blog. Imagine my surprise when I see that I’ve acquired one spanking new follower while my blog is rotting away. Thank you whoever you are! (Ma, if it’s you, I don’t want to know)

Anywayyy, very sad to say that we’re already 5 months into 2010 and this is my first blog of the year. It’s not from lack of things to write about, that much I can say. Our end of the year trip back to Malaysia is but a distant memory. My birthday has come and gone. Our Easter trip to Melbourne has also come to pass. And this year sees a lot of activities in the social front especially with the Fringe, Clipsal and the much anticipated SkyShow making a comeback. *sigh* I’ve put off writing about all those for too long and there seems to be no point in even trying now. I’ve posted all our photos in fb to make up for the fact that I’ve turned my back on blogging. The only sad note is that mum’s not with us in Adelaide this year. She’s back in Malaysia babysitting for our sister. Poor mum. Hope she comes back to us soon. And then it’ll be poor sis as she’ll have to cope with everything on her own again.

Tomorrow’s going to be another full Saturday with 大扫除 in the morning, an appointment with a hair stylist in the afternoon (I’m going to get a haircut! Doki doki…hope I don’t get suicidal with the result) and dinner at a family friends’ house. We have been hanging out with them at least once every week for dinner/movie session/karaoke(they sing and we listen). It kindda feels like we’re ‘going out’ if you know what I mean. Haha…weird.

I could go on and on about everything and nothing at all but I haven’t taken my bath. =p So adios for now~

p/s: *sniiffffff* my birthday perfume that I sprayed on this morning still smells so good! I LOVE Kenzo Amour’s Indian Holi!! Thanks bi!


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